
Showing posts from April, 2022

Getting Ready for 2022

It's confirmed, the SVSU Golf League will be back at Saginaw Valley Public G.C. for 2022, but with some new arrangements a new moniker - SVSU & Friends Golf Association. We will continue to allow drop-ins every night, so if you become available on a Thursday, you and or additional guests are welcome. If you are unfamiliar with our league or need a reminder: Cost is $345 Essentially, as a full-season member, you are choosing to pre-pay for 15, 9-hole rounds (includes cart) at a discounted "league" rate of $23. FYI - the standard rate for golf will be $28. We choose to gather as a group to use those on Thursday evenings but you can make up rounds if you are not available. A separate nightly prize pool may be available if you so choose to enter. More details available as the season begins.  Every Thursday, May 12 through August 18 ( Schedule ) We will likely hold two additional "makeup" nights the last two Thursdays in August where some prize pool money may